The AquaTrek Water Wheel Chair is designed for use in and around swimming pools, spas and showers. Constructed from furniture grade PVC, plastic and the finest stainless steel fasteners, the wheel chair is durable, noncorrosive and totally submersible. Wheelchair comes in choice of fivesizes depending on height. See dimensions below. The use of Nylatron bushings assures continuous ease of motion. These bushings are designed and custom manufactured exclusively for the Theraquatics Wheel Chair to combat any potential for wheel seizure. The front wheels are 7-inches in diameter and the rear wheels are 24-inches in diameter. Both the AQ-250 and AQ-350 offer a reclining high-back option.
Features a unique Swinging Arm that makes getting into and out of the aquatic wheelchair easy and practical (see picture insert). A detachable padded seat makes cleaning easy. Movable footrest and stainless steel hand rims on the rear wheels. Mesh may be blue or green color.
Add-on accessories include:
Seat Belt (item 350-SB)- $49.99
Shoulder Harness including Seat Belt (item 350-SH)- $89.99
*Please note that the freight for this wheelchair is approximately $475 when delivered within the USA. Call (334) 669-8838 to place your order and to receive an exact freight quote. Allow 5-10 days for delivery from time of order. Chair comes fully assembled in a sturdy 38 x 36 x 30" box.
*The AQ-250-WC is designed for people less than 6 feet tall.Weight Limit up to 350 lbs.
*The AQ-350-WC is designed for people 6 feet and taller or have elongated legs. Weight Limit up to 350 lbs.
*The AQ-450-WC is designed for people 6 feet and taller or have elongated legs. Weight Limit up to 450 lbs.
*The AQ-250HB-WC is designed for people less than 6 feet tall. Features Reclining High-Back. Weight Limit up to 350 lbs.
*The AQ-350HB-WC is designed for people 6 feet and taller or have elongated legs. Features Reclining High-Back. Weight Limit up to 350 lbs.
See images below for more detailed specifications: