Product Description

Exercise has beneficial effects such as decreasing depression, increasing health and improving cognitive performance in older adults. Other potential benefits of exercise includes improved appetite, sleep, increased bone density and improved balance. The Aqua Weights are covered in a durable vinyl and have a foam grip handle that makes them easy to use yet gentle if dropped.
The Aqua Weights are a convenient and safe alternative to standard weights and offers the following benefits:
Soft impact when dropped
Comfortable handles
Eliminates straps around frail skin
Convenient storage
Four convenient sizes: 2, 4, 6, and 8 Pounds - When filled completely with water.
Anti-bacterial surface
Easy to Use
Each weight is sized to the maximum weight as marked. Place the weight under a faucet, open the valve cover and place a hard object such as the back of a pencil or pen to open the flap. Fill the weight until the water over flows the valve and close the valve. The weight is now filled to capacity and ready to use. Consult any exercise manual for recommended exercises. It is suggested that exercise should be moderate at the beginning and the weight increased as recommended by a health care professional.
Easy Care
The vinyl can be wiped clean with a standard disinfectant. The Aqua Weights require little maintenance but if an odor is sensed it is recommended to rinse with diluted non-chlorine disinfectant.