Polished Aluminum Ring - Commercial

Product Description

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Triangular trapeze rings are flat on the bottom for an easier hand hold. They are made of a strong aluminum alloy and highly polished for a lasting shine. Now with wider grip handle to meet ASTM standards. The inside diameter is 4 12/" and the bottom grip is 1" in diameter. Hole for the S-hook is 1/2". Make your own playground equipment or add a challenging add on for the big kids. Triangle shape offers more gripping area than the traditional round shape. Popular in Roman Ring designs or as a heavy duty substitute with trapeze swing equipment, these rings are built to last.
A 6” diameter round ring made from polished aluminum for a beautiful, lasting shine. Now with wider grip handle to meet ASTM standards. The inside diameter is 4 1/2 “and the bottom grip is 1" in diameter. Hole fore the S-hook is 1/2".
These products should last 2 years in harsh conditions and up to 5 years in optimal conditions. Some conditions may require replacement sooner. Tensile strength is 2800 lbs.
This listing is for ONE Ring or Triangle.