This is a great tool for those working with severely disabled clients in warm water pools. The swimmer lies securely within the sling. When performing stretches, passive and active exercises on the lower limbs of a client lying supine in this body sling with handles, an assistant may be needed to support the head and chest. Handles on this body sling enable an assistant to hold the sling under the shoulder blades without getting hand fatigue.
Made from polyester weave and polystyrene beads.
Aquafit Body Sling For Larger-Sized Adults, Choose from sizes:
SKU 9875HA: one pair of handles and sling 27.5 inch L x 17.7 W
SKU 9875HAXL: two pair of handles and sling 27.5 inch x 21.6 inch W
SKU 9875HAB : two pair of handles and sling 27.5 inch x 25.5 inch W