Our aqua step is a very stable step used for aquatic exercise. It can be used in or out of the water. It has an anti-slip surface and is made of high impact plastic. The height can be adjusted to 5.5 inches or 7.5 inches. The weight is approximately 30lbs.
Please note that this step is made of a high impact plastic and has small compact rubber "feet" to help hold the step in place. Although compact and tough, Theraquatics does not recommend this design of Aqua Step to be used with pools that have liners. Please see other steps within the Theraquatics range for pools with liners.
Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam and Canada customers - please contact us directly for a freight quote.Dimension 24"Lx16"W
Adjusting the step's height is easy! 
The step arrives, at its highest position, out of the box as shown in photo 1 above.

The blue legs on the bottom are removable as shown in photo 2 above.

Once the blue legs are removed, the step is at its lowest position as shown in photo 3 above.